In case you don't know, SONY announced it's PSP Remaster Series for PS3 - Basically Great PSPs Games released with new textures, extras and in HD! So far, the only confirmed games are Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and God of War Portable Collection (This one via rumors).
But do we really want what games to be re-released? In my case it's far more than that. What do I expect then, you ask? Let's see!
1. Quality Over Quantity
I don't care if they release all the games, but I expect those to have quality and real HD Graphics and Textures and lots of extra content.
2. Good Titles, Not Crap
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd has been a great choice from SONY, but I fear this may be the only one. GOW is a game I can't play because it's not my style. I'll be greedy in this one, and I expect Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, Yakuza Tales: Black Panther, .Hack//LINK and Bleach Heat the Soul 7 to name a few.
3. NGP Compatibility
The NGP is getting a release in December, I'm almost sure of this. SONY must put some kind of system that allow us to transfer the Remastered PSP games in our NGP! The NGP is almost a PS3! It's POSSIBLE!
What do you think of this? Any PSP game you want to see in PS3?
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